Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wishful Thinking

Do you know what I would do if I had one million dollars? - OK, so I would need several million dollars. Maybe I could do it if I had one billion dollars. The only thing I really need is a wish, which is MUCH more likely than me getting a billion dollars. 

I would buy this building. I am in love with it.

I have always had a vivid imagination, which I am sure my parents thought I would grow out of as I got older. It hasn't really happened yet though, and since I am done growing I guess I will always have my imagination. I want to own this place so that I can play downton Abbey with my friends. We would all move into this one big property and throw lavish dinner parties and speak in British accents and have lady maids and refer to each other as "her ladyship." Handsome men would come and court us and they would most definitely wear World War One uniforms.

Sometimes when I look at The Provo Library it reminds me of the Hogwarts Castle. On those days my friends and I would use it to cast spells and plot the death of an evil dark wizard while flying around on broomsticks. 

Mostly I would just like to own it so that I can read every single book in there...or at least the ones worth reading. Like in Beauty and the Beast when Belle gets her own library. If it is good enough for her I should be able to have one right?

1 comment:

  1. Ha, Katelyn that is awesome! I love that building too. It's timeless! Never stop thinking with your imagination!
