Aren't we so lucky to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ to give us purpose and direction so that we don't have to wonder or feel lost or rely only on our current feelings to guide us?! We can always be happy. We always have reason to rejoice and be merry, even when the tree comes down and the lights come off.
Here are a couple of reasons why life is good right now...
1. I have been so domestic as of late, mostly due to my new crock pot and rice cooker. I am a cooking machine. Look at those beautiful chicken wings in the pictures above. I made those for New Year and they were a HIT! I love crock pots. All you have to do is throw some meat and veggies in there along with some some seasoning/sauce and you have a wonderful meal...five hours later. It's like a potions class but even better. Because you can eat it without strange side effects.. I have to tell myself constantly that I don't need to cook today because I have three days of left overs in the fridge. Then I get depressed because I don't need to cook. WHAT IS THE DEAL? I am turning into my sister, only not nearly as heath conscious. That will come in time I hope...
2. Remember this girl here?
She is coming home from her mission to England in ONE MONTH. Operation reunification: Commence. Then I can start counting down until Jace comes home. WOW. Here's to many more memories of being crazy Besties and Roommates.
3. It's official. We have skipped winter this year. Let's tale a look at these GORGEOUS mountains...
BARE! No snow. I was seriously walking to campus today and it was perfect outside. It could be March. Really. Spring in January. I know that as soon as I press PUBLISH on this Post a huge winter storm will come just because I said that it was nice. OH WELL. Let the record show that the first day of school in Winter Semester was beautiful.
4. Alyssa and I are rededicating ourselves to being gym buddies. YAY! I can run two whole miles now without stopping. That is a starting point.
5. I was able to read several good books over the break. Even since I got Mae Mobley (my beloved Kindle) I have been reunited with my love of reading. These are the books that I read over the break...
Right now I have taken to checking out a few of may favorite children's classics en espanol from la biblioteca. I have The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe AND Little House on the Prarrie in Spanish right now.
6. I have a real job at the MTC! I am making money. That is always a good thing. I am most looking forward to buying a Seasons Pass to Seven Peaks Water Park and chilling in the lazy river EVERY DAY after studying for the G.R.E. And buying The Royal Wedding on DVD. And lots of Sonic Diet Cokes with mucho lemon.
7. Disney Parks are open 24 hours on Leap Day. Whose with me? ROAD TRIP TO CALI!
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