This is my mission Daughter la Hermana Adaoag. She is still serving. YAY HERMANA! Keep up the good work. She is my little Firecracker. She is with Lindsey Porter. Lindsey and I were companions for a "mini transfer," which consisted of two days in her area while I was waiting for my hija to arrive. This was right before I went home mind you, so it was basically two days of intense "You can do hard things" thearpy. Lindsey is a very good therapist. She's very wise.

I am standing next to my mission mom, Lady Ailsa Lillywhite, and she is standing next to my little blonde bombshell twin from way back in the MTC, Miss Jenny Bullock. We went to stay with Madi Taets in Arizona this summer for President Hansen's Homecoming. She was a most excellent hostess. We adore her.

Katy Missionaries with Hermana Erika. She is such a sweetheart and was so good to us all. She came to Utah in November.

Here we are this weekend. Aren't we cute. Sister Talakai and I were quite the team in College Station, Texas. I have missed her so much.

HAHAHA! Yes, that is Justine. She is my companera de quarto. SHOUT OUT TO JUSTINE! She's awesome. Hey, Justine!
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