“Almost perfect… but not quite.”
Those were the words of Mary Hume
At her seventh birthday party,
Looking ‘round the ribboned room.
“This tablecloth is pink not white—
Almost perfect…but not quite.”
“Almost perfect…but not quite.”
Those were the words of grown-up Mary
Talking about her handsome beau,
The one she wasn’t gonna marry.
“Squeezes me a bit too tight—
Almost perfect…but not quite.”
“Almost perfect…but not quite.”
Those were the words of ol’ Miss Hume.
Teaching in the seventh grade,
Grading papers in the gloom
Late at night up in her room.
“They never cross their t’s just right—
Almost perfect…but not quite.”
Ninety-eight the day she died
Complainin’ bout the spotless floor.
People shook their heads and sighed,
“Guess that she’ll like heaven more.”
Up went her soul on feathered wings,
Out the door, up out of sight.
Another voice from heaven came—
“Almost perfect…but not quite.”
Another New Year Resolution: Be a glass half full kind of person. Don't complain.
Is it too late to add resolutions for the new year? I feel like because it is January it is still fair game. I read this poem by Shel Silverstein today and it really made me think about how I view the world and others in it. Sometimes the simplest things make the most sense. We should be less critical - because aren't we all almost perfect, but not quite?
I leave you with the words of Elder Holland..
"Is this something we could all work on just a little? Is this an area in which we could each try to be a little more like a “perfect” man or woman. We should honor the Savior’s declaration to “be of good cheer.” 7 (Indeed, it seems to me we may be more guilty of breaking that commandment than almost any other!) Speak hopefully. Speak encouragingly, including about yourself. Try not to complain and moan incessantly. As someone once said, “Even in the golden age of civilization someone undoubtedly grumbled that everything looked too yellow." Yes, life has its problems, and yes, there are negative things to face, but please accept one of Elder Holland’s maxims for living—no misfortune is so bad that whining about it won’t make it worse."
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