For some reason my friend and I got to talking the other day about our childhood and she asked me to tell her some stories from when I was a little girl. She didn't actually believe that a place so idealistic as Royal City, Washington and family events so incredible as Sunday nights at Pa and Grandma Jean's house actually exist - mini corn dogs and all. After that conversation my heart just ached to go home. I miss it so much. Spring is such a beautiful time of year on the farm. I will probably not marry a farmer and therefore am doomed to live in the city my entire life, but I am so thankful for my country roots...

This will always be home
They will always be home...
I even miss this place - free soda and gasoline most of all. Which of course, isn't really free. I just am not the one that pays for it.
Sometimes I even miss this place
I have been so nostalgic as of late. I REALLY miss this place too...
More specifically I miss THIS place...
AND this place...
Most of all THIS place...
The sad part is I don't think that I am really nostalgic for the actual people or places, although I love them dearly and they may help some. I am nostalgic for times. Times of my past that won't come again.
I want to actually be a little girl running around barefoot in the fields again.
I miss fishing and picking cherries and playing No Bears Are Out Tonight.
I want to be a missionary, sweating bullets in the blasted Houston humidity again.
I miss the thunderstorms and the Southern hospitality, and the beautiful sea of blue bonnets.
Soon I will be done at BYU and miss the good ol' days of being at The Y. Everyone should just enjoy whatever time of life they are in. It is special and unique and it will never come again. Be happy now and cherish you life where ever you are along the path.
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