Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Making Sense of Things

So today I am pretty depressed. I am not usually a sad person. I don't get my feather's ruffled easily. I don't get upset very often. I consider that to be one of my best God given talents. I am resiliant. Today, however,  I am legitimately sad. I am still in my PJ's. I have no motivation to do anything. That is one reason you know you are having a hard day...

I know that everyone is sick of reading about, talking about, and hearing about the election. Myself included. But we live in America, and the political process is important. Also, I need to put my thoughts down in an organized matter or else my head honestly may explode. 

I am sad that Obama is going to be our president again. I wish that it were different, but we have survived the past four years and we will survive the next four. He is the President of the United States of America and I support him. I support any president who will support the constitution, even if I don't agree with everything they do. 

I had faith that things would turn out otherwise, but my heart and my mind kept telling me that too many people didn't want it to be so. THAT RIGHT THERE is what makes me sad. Not President Obama himself. He is fine. The fact that so many people in America were not willing to listen and learn and keep an open mind is what is so frustrating. The fact that so many people are relying on government for everything is so frustrating. The fact that people did not vote for Romney because of his conservative stance on moral issues is so frustrating.

People want free birth control from our government. They would rather have our country provide for them then learn to provide for themselves. I know that not everyone thinks this way or is this way. There are people out there who legitimately need help. I want them to succeed. I just personally think that Mitt Romney's plan would have better helped them to succeed. 

My roommate Emma served her mission in London and we were talking about England the other day. She told me that in the United Kingdom if you get pregnant out of wedlock and the baby's father is not going to provide for you, the government will give you a home. Excuse me? This is the problem with socialism. I know that America will not go that far, but I still think the best way to help someone is to allow them to suffer the natural consequence of their choices and then help them learn how to provide for themselves. After all, that is how God teaches us. Also: it is our job as family members and friends to help those in need - NOT the government's job.

You may be thinking, "Kate, you silly girl. You come from an affluent family. You come from a good home. You have never had to suffer such consequences. You don't know what it is like..." You are wrong. Just like you were wrong when you said Mitt doesn't know what it is like to suffer because he is rich. My parents have allowed me to suffer the consequences of my own choices, and I have made some stupid decisions. My family is willing to help me, but I still have to pay the price for the choices that I make. That is how you become independent. That is how you know you are an adult. 

Mostly I just feel so sad for Mitt Romney today. He worked so hard and he came SO. CLOSE. Think of all the time, the effort, and the money that he spent. I would have felt bad for President Obama had he lost. I always feel sorry for the Loser. I started watching the speech that Mitt made last night and I didn't even make it a minute in. Part of it is pride. I won't be watching the news or getting on Twitter anytime soon. Most of all I just feel empty inside and sad for Mitt. Sad seems like a stupid word. I am sad when the Cougars don't win a football game. This is so worse.  I know Mitt will be fine. I still feel sad. Sad for Mitt Romney - and even more sad for the country that will never have him as a president.  I am sad for my country that she lost such an incredible opportunity. 

I am sad for my state. I am from Washington. Gay marriage and marijuana are officially legal there now. I have nothing against people who are gay or people who use drugs, but I am tired of others telling me that I am judgmental because I believe these things are wrong. You can't have a country where everything is OK and everyone can just do whatever they want. That is called anarchy. It is chaos. It have never worked in the past and it will not work today. 

I feel a little bit today like our Heavenly Father must feel with us sometimes. I feel I know what is best for our country in the long run because I can see the bigger picture. It is frustrating because I can see SO CLEARLY what is best and people obviously don't care. They don't want it. They want something else entirely. They have to suffer the consequences of their choices because God believes very strongly in a thing called agency. Stupid agency. I have often wondered why God doesn't intervene more aggressively in our lives from time to time. Now I know. Agency. He always lets us decide. Stupid agency. 

Some people have been posting in frustration "WHAT IS THE POINT OF EVEN VOTING?!" To them I say - because the righteous will always stand up for what is right even if they are the last people on the earth to believe in their cause. Take some comfort from Mormon and Moroni in the Book of Mormon. They know a little bit about that. They saw their entire civilization destroyed. Thank Goodness I don't have to watch that! I say unto you as Mormon said unto his son Moroni,

 "My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ lift thee up, and may his sufferings and death, and the showing his body unto our fathers, and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind forever.

And may the grace of God the Father, whose throne is high in the heavens, and our Lord Jesus Christ, who sitteth on the 
right hand of his power, until all things shall become subject unto him, be, and abide with you forever. Amen."

I do have faith in our country and faith in the future and I have no doubt in mind that God is very much aware of each of us and our struggles and He is aware of this country and it's president. As Elder Holland puts it, "Trust in God and have faith in good things to come." As President Monson puts it, "Your future is as bright as your faith." Good things will come. I am still allowed to be sad for today. Just for today. Eventually this will all blow over. 

Think of all the amazing missionary opportunities the elders and sisters serving missions are going to have partially because Mitt Romney ran for president and sparked an interest in the Mormon church. That is pretty cool. I am just sad that it can't continue. BUT I am happy for the opportunity I have to vote and to express my opinion. I would not have it any other way. 

The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following statement Tuesday:
We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.
After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.
We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process, which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service. We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors.