These two little kids wake up early on a Saturday morning and their parents are still sleeping so they dress up the dog and the cat and make their pets become the children and they become the grown ups. I remember the songs that they sing. They go to the "store" to buy "groceries" and they sing about "People doin' their shopping, doin' their shopping..." One of the songs they sing is about how "It's not easy, being grown up, It's not easy; In fact, it's tough. It's not easy being grown up, as a matter of fact - It's tough!" Wise words INDEED. Do you ever just want to be a kid again?
Summer classes are absolutely LOVELY. However, they are sometimes 2.5 hours long and it takes forever for that bell to ring. I am sitting here in class and all I want to do is play THIS game on my little computer.
Jace and I LOVED this stupid game. I have no idea why.
Also I loved THIS game: Catz. Yes, with a Z. My mother would not let us have actual pets, so I had my virtual kitty. Welcome to generation Y2K. I named my first cat Dudley after the Harry Potter Character.
My personal favorite was the upgrade from Catz...a little game called Babyz.
They were not all mindless games. I LOVED Carmen San Diego where you had to go around the world and catch the criminals. It was the WORST when you knew who the bad guy was, but you did not have enough information to get your "warrant" to capture them. The theme song was also rather peppy.
Does anybody remember the The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis? AWESOME game.
As I grew a little older I was bit by the "Barbie Bug." My favorite computer games were the Barbie Mystery ones. The mystery of the carnival caper was THE BEST. I remember the creepy person dressed in black that you were trying to catch. While looking for clues he would randomly show up. I would tell Melissa Sprague "Princess, Scream when you see the man in black so I know he is here." After we became all too cool for REAL barbies we went to the computer. It was much more edgy and challenging.
The gymnastics game was the most fun! It was also so hard. I spent forever trying to push all the right buttons on the keyboard to the master the hardest gymnastic moves.
OF COURSE I always had to beat Riley at THIS game: good ol' Mario Teaches Typing
I remember the days when we had a Super Nintendo. I LOVED the Disney games, especially Aladin. My favorite was the bonus level where you got to ride the magic carpet. That was the only level with Jasmin and you had the awsome opportunity of getting all the sparkling diamonds in the sky. I also always wanted my brothers to get me to the Genie levels because those ones were SO MUCH fun.
Ninja Turtles was a great game because there are four of them and we could all play together. I still remember the day that Bryan DeLay and I beat that game. Most of the time though the nintendo was occupied so I had to play my own little SuperGameBoy. This was my game of choice.
I was OK with the nintendo being occupied by my brothers most of the time because once we got rid of our Super Nintendo and plugged in the N64 things got a little too complicated for me. I mostly just became a cheerleader at that point for Riley and Jace as they saved princess Zelda and beat Bowzer. I did love Animal Farm and Donkey Kong though. Especially this girl...
She was so little and I felt such a kinship with her. She could also fly around all helicopter like with her sweet piggytales. SO cool.
When my brothers were NOT playing the nintendo and the TV was free I would watch THIS...over and over and over and over and over....
Also: Remember THESE precious little gems from my childhood?
Most of my days were spent karate chopping around the house at Kimberly the Pink Ranger with Jace as my trusty Red Ranger buddy.
When the Olsen twins were not blasting from my boom box I was listening to one of these four groups...
Not everything about my childhood was technological. I LOVED my little books. Some of my favorite where THESE ones.
And when I got a little bit older...

If you had several pairs of these you were about as classy as you could possibly get...
The bigger the bow, the brighter the scrunchie, the better...
The most adorable thing you could wear as a little girl was a jump suit that your aunt Kelle made you...
So here's to the 1990's, Friends. This was quite possible the best area in the history of all time. When you could wear as much neon as you wanted...when Mr. Roger was everybody's neighbor...when Reading Rabbit was the most exciting thing at school and Recess was the most exciting TV show at home...when the words Disney Princess actually meant something...when 'Cabbage Patch' was not a place where you went to pick cabbage...when "Good Burger" was a place where Kenon and Kell worked.
I was talking to my big brother last night and he was telling me that he is in charge of Ward Prayer, so he came up with these little get to know you sheets for everyone to fill out. One of the questions he put on the sheet was "If you were a Care Bear, what would your name be and what sign would you have on your stomach?" People responded with answers such as "I am not a bear." "Why would I have a sign on my stomach if I were a bear?" and "What are you talking about?" This is seriously sad.
Yay for awesome childhoods.